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Do you believe children and young people should have access to drama and theatre?
Then please support our work!
The DTEA is an unfunded alliance. We need your support to achieve our forthcoming campaigns.
Can you help us? Click here now!

The DTEA is seeking funding of £5,000 to engage all political parties in a conversation about the future of Drama and Theatre Education.
Over the coming year, as a key part of our strategy, we plan to host education seminars at all political party conferences, enabling young people to speak to politicians and have their voice heard.
The three objectives for these conversations will be:
• The inclusion in the curriculum of Drama as a Foundation Subject in the National Curriculum with the same status as Art and Music;
• The entitlement of every child to at least one annual engagement with professional theatre.
• A drama curriculum and theatre repertoire that is more representative of the UK's diverse population
Can you donate to support our work? Visit our Investors In Community page today.

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