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Noah Superville, Finchley Catholic High School


Hello Everyone,

My name is Noah and I am 15 years old.

I count myself lucky to have been born into a family that loves the Arts. One of my earliest experiences was going to watch, A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre at the ripe old age of 1. Of course, I don’t really remember this clearly; but this trip and my subsequent visits to galleries, concerts, cinemas and theatres have just enhanced my love of the Arts and my development as a human being. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as I am to have access to these things. Sometimes, drama lessons, school theatre trips and theatre that comes into schools, may be the only way some children will ever experience the Arts.

I am not particularly academic and I have to work extremely hard to succeed in certain core subjects which can be a little demoralising; but with Drama I find a freedom. It is a subject where I can shine and allow my imagination to run wild. This makes me feel happy. It boosts my confidence and allows me to feel equal with my peers, if only for a short while. Others use Drama to express themselves. Something they may find difficult to do in everyday life. Some children find Drama a challenge; but isn’t forcing yourself to do something out of your comfort zone a good thing too? Life isn’t always going to be easy. People assume that drama is only for those who aspire to be a performer or want to be involved in the Arts when they grow up; but that isn’t the case. Things you learn in a Drama lesson can help in other walks of life too. Thinking out of the box can aid problem solving skills. Being able to speak publicly in a comfortable and engaging way is an art in itself. Learning to work as a group is another valuable lesson, and these are to name but a few skills that can be nurtured.

Drama and Theatre opens windows onto other worlds. It holds a mirror up to life and allows us to see ourselves reflected in it. From this we can learn about ourselves and the world we live in. It is a platform for free speech and makes people think, explore, communicate, challenge and even change things for the better. Surely all the things I have mentioned here today must make people realise how essential Drama and Theatre are and why they should be encouraged and supported more extensively in schools than they are at present.

Thank you for inviting me here today and for allowing me the opportunity to voice my opinions.

Noah Superville,

Finchley Catholic High School


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