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Seize the day - tomorrow

  • Are you a Drama teacher or student in a school, college or university?

  • Are you a Drama or Theatre practitioner, performer, director?

  • Are you doing any form of Drama or Theatre event tomorrow?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, please join us tomorrow to champion Drama and Theatre, and help us raise the profile of Drama in schools.

We know that there are classes, workshops, and performances going on across the UK tomorrow.

We know that children and young people will benefit from doing drama and watching theatre. We know the impact this can have on them as they continue to grow, learn and develop, and how the effects can be long-lasting.

We therefore ask you to join us tomorrow, to document these events, to share them with us and with your local MP, councillors and press, to shout about the impact these events have on you, your community and the people involved.

Now, more than ever, we need to get the message about the value of Drama and Theatre Education with children and young people to Government, MPs and school governors if we are ever going to raise the profile of Drama in schools to match that of Art and Music!

Read about our campaign here and what you can do.

Some Events Happening

Collage Arts in Haringey is running Dis[Play] in a Day with three secondary schools working with three professional directors to produce three short plays culminating in a performance at the McQueens Theatre at 4pm - all to highlight the importance of drama and theatre whilst celebrating the creativity of Haringey's young people.

Catherine West MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, some local councillors and also the Mayor of Haringey, Adam Jogee will be attending.

Frantic Assembly and National Drama are running a workshop with Coombe Boys School Sixth Form students. Students will then perform tomorrow night and Ed Davey MP has been invited.

What can you do?

Just do what you do - only shout about it!

  • Film it, photograph it, document the event.

  • Interview those who take part and those who watch - get them to tell you why drama and theatre is important and the impact it has had on them.

  • Read our press release, create your own, and share it all with your local press, your MP, councillors and school govornors.

  • Share our Manifesto

  • Register your event on Eventbrite

  • Follow all the other guidance and advice at here


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