Teaching is a rewarding profession.
Teaching young people Drama is a privilege!

SCITED (Standing Committee of Initial Teacher Education in Drama) in partnership with National Drama, are hosting a FREE event for students and those interested in teaching Drama:
Wednesday 17 November, 6-7.30pm, online
The presentation followed by an opportunity to talk to Drama initial teacher education subject leaders across regions in England, Scotland and Wales.
Pupils enter the drama space with eager anticipation over what is going to happen next as the vast wonders of theatre and everything it has to offer are opened up to them.
Every lesson is a complete surprise where they can learn collaboratively through role play – stepping into the shoes of others.
By nurturing pupils through and about theatre you are not only opening up lives, diverse and dynamic communication and an art form, but also exercising democratic practices, promoting pupil voice and developing the dramatists of tomorrow.
With this exciting profession comes responsibility and a need for thorough subject knowledge, a keenness to create your own materials, do your own research and keep up with contemporary theatre and drama education practice. In these challenging times, artists are finding new and exciting ways of helping theatre to re-emerge and thrive, not least through online technology.
It is hard to imagine a career which will make higher demands on creative thinkers.
It is impossible to imagine a better time for drama teachers to step up to these challenges and lead education towards a new dawn.
Sign up today: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/193459762357